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Fort Mifflin’s location on Mud Island makes it an ideal location for insect populations, including pesky mosquitoes. For today’s #MakeItBetterMonday, discover a couple of things you can make to combat the insect population on your next visit to the Fort or in your own back yard.

Click HERE for information, project instructions and interesting links for learning more!

Does an army really march on its stomach? What did soldiers during the American Revolution actually eat? Explore the basics of 18th century military mess and then mix up a batch of hard tack and try it for yourself! #MakeItBetterMonday

Click HERE for information and links, plus the recipe to try at home!

Image of a homemade glider scouts can make in the Aviation program


For this week’s #MakeItBetterMonday, let’s explore 20th century history and Fort Mifflin’s unique location adjacent to Philadelphia International Airport. Why did they build the Fort so close to the Airport? Hmmm.

Learn about the basic principles of aviation, the forces acting on a plane and then make your own FPG-9. BONUS! Bring your FPG-9 with you to Skies Above Fort Mifflin on June 20 (thinking positive thoughts!) and receive a complimentary student (ages 6 to 12) admission.

Click HERE for information about flight and project instructions.

For our first #MakeItBetterMonday we bring you… knitting! Why might we want to talk about knitting at Fort Mifflin?  While knitting has a long household history, many knitting initiatives benefitted the military.

History and project ideas HERE.

Our events at Fort Mifflin on the Delaware include historically accurate insignia and symbology that many people may find insensitive or offensive in any other setting. They are included at our events only in the interest of historical accuracy and education. The presence of such insignia and symbology in no way indicates support for any of the ideals advanced by these symbols on the part of Fort Mifflin on the Delaware, any participating reenactment unit, or any individual reenactor wearing a historically accurate Armed Forces uniform.

Tactical demonstrations may simulate hand-to-hand combat, injury, death or the capture of enemy combatants.

All events at Fort Mifflin strive to present a day in the life of the common soldier on both sides of conflict.